(Architecture + Interior Design Studio)

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 Prefer to chat? Call us at 07 3110 1031.

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Note: our studio has an 8-12 week minimum wait time to commence new projects. Project timelines vary depending on a range of factors but we ask that you allow a minimum of 6 to 12 months from commencement to delivery of construction plans ready for build.
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Note: our design fees start from a minimum of $4,500-$6,000 p/m 2 . Project costs can vary significantly depending on your needs. We will create a custom proposal for your project, including detailed fees and inclusions, once after we meet to provide clarity on any costs moving forward.
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Front entrance facade of Banool 2.

Banool 2

Ashgrove, QLD
(scroll to explore)
Date Completed
under construction
Project Type
New Build
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Upper Cairns Terrace

Front entrance facade of Banool 2.
St Lucia, QLD